Trafic breakfast
What is traffic conference?
We have created a series Traffic conferences, as the series regular social events leading experts on transport infrastructure, traffic engineering and road safety. The purpose of the event is to exchange views on the positive and negative trends that have recently been in the industry the most noticeable. Let us say frankly that the situation on our roads is more than alarming. Our aim is to reduce mortality and accidents on our roads. Over the last two years, although partially succeeded to reducing accident rates, but not on this scale to can say that the adopted measures are sufficient. In finding solutions, we focus on the issue from the perspective of infrastructure, innovative solutions and human factor and its impact on safety and also control of the vehicle. Our intention is to start the process of long-term and productive discussion and there was a mutual communication procurers and their feasibility. We look forward to your thoughts and opinions.
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Were you satisfied with actions Traffic conference?
Come to the next meeting surely. During 2018, we plan to carry out series of Transport conferences attended by the most important institutions, professionals and companies in all regions and regional cities. Always under the auspices of the city, experts from leading institutions and in collaboration with major players in the field. We solve the same problems together. We believe that while drinking great coffee you can talk about a lot of things that usually is not the time. Find the way, concept, relations. And this is what we want.
Trafic conference